
This isn't just another coaching program; it’s a comprehensive, transformative journey designed specifically for expat dads like you, who are committed to building a fulfilling, connected family life.

what is THe 

At its heart, it’s about giving you the tools, strategies, and insights to tackle the unique challenges of expat life. We’re talking about addressing isolation, marital strain, cultural clashes, and even those deep identity crises you might be feeling.

Here’s what’s you’ll get access to:
  • Weekly Coaching Sessions:
    Every week, we’ll hop on a 60-75 minute video call. These sessions are your chance to dig deep into what’s going on, explore solutions, and hold yourself accountable. It’s where the real magic happens.
  • Customized Action Plans:

    We don’t do one-size-fits-all here. Your action plans will be tailored to your specific needs and goals. These aren’t just about getting by—they’re about thriving. We’ll work on strategies that help you harness your strengths and make meaningful changes.

  • Resources and Tools:

    You’ll get a bunch of resources and tools tailored just for you. Think exercises for personal reflection, communication strategies to improve your marriage, and techniques for stress management and cultural adaptation.

wondering why you should choose the Resilient Legacy Coaching?
  • Building Personal Resilience:

    We’ll create a supportive space where you can openly discuss your challenges and goals. This foundation is crucial for building personal resilience, leveraging your unique strengths, and developing new coping strategies.

  • Improving Marital Harmony:

    We’ll work on enhancing your relationship with your spouse through better communication, empathy, and understanding. This includes advanced conflict resolution strategies and ways to foster a shared vision and partnership.

  • Navigating Cultural Adaptation:

    Cultural differences can be tough, but with tailored guidance, you’ll learn to bridge the gap between your home and host cultures with greater ease and confidence.

  • Balancing Professional and Personal Life:

    We’ll make sure your professional commitments don’t come at the expense of your family’s well-being. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where both can thrive.

  • Long-Term Strategic Planning:

    We’re not just fixing immediate issues. We’re setting you up for long-term success. We’ll set and achieve significant life goals, create a vision for your family’s future, and implement plans for cultural integration and belonging.

  • Ongoing Support and Flexibility:
    Life changes, and so do your needs. This offers ongoing support and the flexibility to adjust as new challenges come up.

This isn’t just about solving problems. It’s about empowering you to create a legacy of strength, love, and resilience for your family. Imagine transforming your expat experience from one of struggle to one of growth and fulfillment. Imagine the positive impact on your kids, your marriage, and your sense of purpose.

What I’m offering you is a partnership. With me, you're not just getting a coach; you're gaining an ally who has walked in your shoes and successfully navigated the path out of despair into freedom and belonging. My coaching is tailored to equip you with the tools, strategies, and insights needed to transform your expatriate experience from one of struggle to one of profound growth and fulfillment.

Together, we'll turn the challenges of expat life into stepping stones for a future of abiding joy for you and your family. This is more than my profession—it's my calling. And I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

how TO get started on this Resilient Legacy journey with mE

It all begins with a Free Clarity Call. This call is designed to help us get to know each other, explore your current situation, and see if my coaching program is the right fit for you.

During our call, we'll take about 60 minutes to dive deep into your biggest challenges and goals. You’ll have the chance to share what’s been weighing on your mind, and I'll listen attentively to understand your unique situation. We’ll discuss the core issues you’re facing, whether it’s isolation, marital strain, cultural adaptation, or balancing your professional and personal life.

I'll also explain more about the Resilient Legacy Coaching Packages and how it can specifically address your needs. You’ll get a clear understanding of what the coaching process entails, the kind of results you can expect, and how we’ll work together to achieve those results.

This call is all about you. It’s your opportunity to ask any questions you have about the coaching journey, clarify any doubts, and get a feel for how we might work together. Think of it as a no-pressure conversation where the focus is entirely on finding the best path forward for you and your family.

What Expat Dads Are Saying


David asked pointed questions and listened deeply and carefully. He offered insightful frameworks and facilitated transformative processes that dramatically changed my emotional and mental state from unproductive and avoidant to more whole, integrated and motivated. If you show up and do the work he will really help!


David has a personal and comfortable way of conveying some really transformational techniques. I have found them fairly easy to integrate into everyday life. Drawing on past experiences and new ideas David has incorporated, I’ve been able to change old patterns for a more positive state of being. After only two visits, I’ve found it as helpful as several counselor sessions. Genuine and authentic are some ways to describe David. Our meetings have been enjoyable, stress-free, and with an atmosphere where it’s easy to be open and yourself.


book your Free Clarity Call. 


You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I’m here to support you every step of the way, but the first step is yours to take. Book your call and let’s transform your expat experience into one of profound growth and fulfillment.