October 3, 2024

On Navigating Identity Crises

Hey guys, it’s David Ecklund from DavidEcklund.com. Welcome back to Resilient Legacy Expat Dad Coaching. It’s been a while since I made a video, and today I want to reconnect with all of you. I know some of you have been asking for more content, so here I am, ready to dive in.

Today, I want to talk about identity crises. This is one of the deepest challenges we can face, and the reality is, we all go through it. It’s amazing to think about how we evolve—going from being a boy to an adolescent, and then to a man. You can’t explain to a boy what it’s like to be a man; the experience is something that can only be lived, and understood in retrospect.

The Expat Experience: A Personal Transformation

Becoming an expat is another profound transformation. You’re not just visiting a new culture for a short time—you’re living in it, sometimes for years, if not permanently. This shift can drastically change how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you. Even after years of living abroad, like my seven years in Germany, you continue to face new waves of adjustment.

“Living online” adds another layer of complexity. When you are working and socializing online in a different language than is being spoken around you, settling into a new culture can be harder than ever. It challenges you to fully commit to this new identity while balancing the digital connections you maintain back home.

Calling All Expat Dads

For those of you who have gone through Relationship Renaissance or any other courses or mine, or worked with me one-on-one, I encourage you to share your wisdom with the rest of us in the Expat Dad Mastermind, or by contacting me directly. Your insights are valuable to the rest of us navigating this journey.

You can always reach out to me via the contact form on my website. I genuinely appreciate hearing from you.

Embracing the Challenges of Fatherhood

Being a father is a huge part of my identity. I love my boys, and every day I look at them with pride and awe. Fatherhood is a dream come true for me, and it’s one of the most rewarding challenges of my life.

But there’s more to my identity than just being an expat dad. I have philosophical and spiritual inclinations that shape how I see the world. I believe in the importance of freedom—both inwardly and outwardly—and I often think about what it means to live a life of self-determination.

Authenticity in Coaching

As a coach, I aim to be as authentic as possible. I believe in sharing my thoughts and beliefs openly, even if they might not resonate with everyone. For example, I have an unconventional Christian belief, and while you don’t have to share my faith, I think it’s important to be upfront about where I’m coming from.

It’s essential for you to know who I am, so you can see if we’re a good match. If my views or approach don’t align with yours, that’s okay—we can still respect each other. But I won’t water down who I am to avoid offending anyone. Authenticity is key to building real connections.

The Inner Journey: Holding Space for Yourself

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is the importance of holding space for yourself. As you go through transitions—whether it’s becoming an expat, a father, or even just growing as a person—you can encounter periods of existential angst. These moments challenge your concept of who you are, but they’re also opportunities for growth.

In anthroposophy, a form of esoteric Christianity I follow, there’s a concept of being your own hierophant—essentially, holding your own space during your spiritual journey. It’s about maintaining inner peace as you undergo profound changes.

The Masculine Approach to Self-Love

For many of us, the idea of self-love can feel pretty cringe. But when you think of it in terms of holding space for yourself during challenging times, it takes on a new meaning. It’s about having the backbone to stand firm, even when things feel like they’re falling apart.Imagine the scene from Braveheart, where the cavalry is charging, and the command is to “hold!” That’s the kind of inner strength we need as men, fathers, and expats—having a backbone while staying grounded in who we are.

Moving Forward

I hope you got something out of this post. I’ll be sharing more content in this format, and I’m also preparing to launch a new podcast soon. I’d love to hear your feedback, so feel free to reach out. I read every message and promise to respond.

Expanding My Coaching Audience

By the way, I don’t exclusively coach expat dads. While that’s my focus, I’m open to working with anyone who resonates with my message—whether you’re a father preparing for parenthood or simply someone interested in personal growth.

Thanks for stopping by. Take care, and God bless.

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